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Sitti Nurbaya


Sitti Nurbaya
Sitti Nurbaya

Every time this Sitti Nurbaya novel is read, the beauty is found in different ways. Every time this novel is discussed, it tells many different mysteries. Is it true that Samsul Bahri is a good character? Why did Datuk Maringgih who was portrayed evil at the end of the story became a patriot defending the homeland, and then died with blood soaking up the motherland? who re

Tadabbur Surat Al-Buruj Gugusan Gugusan Bintang


Tadabbur Surat Al-Buruj Gugusan Gugusan Bintang
Tadabbur Surat Al-Buruj Gugusan Gugusan Bintang

Sinopsis: Para ahli tafsir sepakat berpendapat bahwa bahwa surat al-Buruj diturunkan di Makkah setelah surat asy-Syams(. Surat ini masih membahas dan menekankan masalah aqidah dan penguatan keyakinan tentang hari akhir. Di samping itu tambahan yang ada dalam surat ini selain pembahasan tersebut adalah tentang kisa

Menggapai Kesembuhan


Menggapai Kesembuhan
Menggapai Kesembuhan

through this audiobook, Prof. (Emertus) Dr.H.M. Sambas Wiradisuria, Sp.A(K) presents you presents a record of his contemplation and his in-depth study of the phenomenon of healing and its meaning in the course of human life. Interestingly, Sambas compiled this book based on his empirical experience while striving to achieve healing from the illness he suffered. Moreover, t

7 Kisah Nabi Islam


7 Kisah Nabi Islam
7 Kisah Nabi Islam

7 stories of famous moslem prophet in Bahasa Indonesia: Nuh AS, Ibrahim AS, Musa AS, Isa AS, Muhammad AS, Daud AS, Sulaiman AS

5 Cerita Rakyat Terkenal Indonesia


5 Cerita Rakyat Terkenal Indonesia
5 Cerita Rakyat Terkenal Indonesia

5 famous Indonesian folktales: Sawunggaling, Cindelaras, Jaka Tarub, Timun Mas, and Ciung Wanara

Kisah Hikayat Ruh Wanita Muslimah Yang Bebas Dari Siksa Kubur Alam Barzakh Karena Syafaat Salawat Nabi Muhammad SAW


Kisah Hikayat Ruh Wanita Muslimah Yang Bebas Dari Siksa Kubur Alam Barzakh Karena Syafaat Salawat Nabi Muhammad SAW
Kisah Hikayat Ruh Wanita Muslimah Yang Bebas Dari Siksa Kubur Alam Barzakh Karena Syafaat Salawat Nabi Muhammad SAW

Audiobook Kisah Hikayat Ruh Wanita Muslimah Yang Bebas Dari Siksa Kubur Alam Barzakh Karena Syafaat Salawat Nabi Muhammad SAW Edisi Bahasa Indonesia Sebuah kisah tentang keistimewaan selawat kepada Nabi Nabi Muhammad SAW, diceritakan dari Tsimarul Yani‘ah fir Riyadhil Badi‘ah karya Syekh Muhammad Nawawi Dari Banten. Bermula ketika seorang ibu tua mend

Kreasi Kloning Manusia Pertama.


Kreasi Kloning Manusia Pertama.
Kreasi Kloning Manusia Pertama.

Diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia, karya Martin Lundqvist dengan judul "The First Human Clone".

Kisah Tirai Wajah Dewi Pachamama


Kisah Tirai Wajah Dewi Pachamama
Kisah Tirai Wajah Dewi Pachamama

Cerita pendek ini adalah kisah tentang Martin dan Elaine, pasangan yang berpergi ke Amerika Utara untuk mencari mitos artefak orang Inca.

Kasus Pencucian Uang di Toko Cuci Baju


Kasus Pencucian Uang di Toko Cuci Baju
Kasus Pencucian Uang di Toko Cuci Baju

Sebuah cerita yang sangat singkat tentang seorang pria yang menemukan binatu khusus. Setelah secara tidak sengaja membuka pintu tersembunyi, ia menemukan operasi pencucian uang

Pernikahan Jaman Dongeng


Pernikahan Jaman Dongeng
Pernikahan Jaman Dongeng

Sebuah cerita yang sangat singkat tentang seorang pria yang membayangkan pernikahan di Westeros saat menghadiri pernikahan sahabatnya.

Kasus Pembunuhan Di Kereta Api The Ghan


Kasus Pembunuhan Di Kereta Api The Ghan
Kasus Pembunuhan Di Kereta Api The Ghan

Cerita ini adalah kisah Samantha Nyamwasa, orang Afrika Selatan yang berdomisili di Australia. Sewaktu berliburan, dia berencana untuk membunuh Patrick Bagosora, refugee dari Rwandan genocide tahun 1994 yang membasmi orang ras Tutsi.

Terapi Ruqyah Ayat Suci Al-Quran Untuk Menghilangkan Kesedihan, Stres, Depresi Dan Menenangkan Jiwa Edisi Bahasa Indonesia


Terapi Ruqyah Ayat Suci Al-Quran Untuk Menghilangkan Kesedihan, Stres, Depresi Dan Menenangkan Jiwa Edisi Bahasa Indonesia
Terapi Ruqyah Ayat Suci Al-Quran Untuk Menghilangkan Kesedihan, Stres, Depresi Dan Menenangkan Jiwa Edisi Bahasa Indonesia

Setiap umat muslim meyakini bahwa Kitab Suci Al-Qur`an diturunkan Allah SWT untuk memberi hidayah kepada setiap manusia, pedoman hidup manusia dan menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit hati yang menjangkiti manusia bagi mereka yang diberi hidayah oleh Allah SWT dan dirahmati-Nya. Seperti yang terdapat di dalam firman-Nya. “Dan Kami turunkan dari Al-Qur`an suatu yang menjadi

Melawat Ke Barat


Melawat Ke Barat
Melawat Ke Barat

This book gives travel reports of Adinegoro who went to Europe in 1926. At that time, travel to Europe could only be done by ship (no aircraft at that time), and the journey took no less than three weeks. Adinegoro's final destination was actually Germany, but in the middle of the road he decided to go down in France, to be able to visit a number of towns there (Vol 1), th

Kehilangan Mestika


Kehilangan Mestika
Kehilangan Mestika

A story of the fate and sorrow of a girl named Hamidah, who always loses the man she loves, and who is subsequently stated as a lost jewel (Mestika). The spelling in this audiobook has been adapted to the modern spelling without removing its distinctive style. Hopefully this story will be useful for readers, especially literature lovers, to know the nature and attitude of




Aki is 29 years old, but looks more like 42 years old. Such thing we often see in men who spent most of his youth with bad women, but not so with Aki. A disease has long since infected him hence the old appearance he has now. When he walks, his legs are bent in the middle forming a shape of big zero, as if his skinny - dry body is too heavy for both legs. His back is alre

Powerful Thinking


Powerful Thinking
Powerful Thinking

Tips on how to create success, happiness, and greatness in life with the power of thinking

uTalk Javanese


uTalk Javanese
uTalk Javanese

It's naturally easier to learn something when it's set to rhythmic music, so that is exactly what we've done. Simple words and phrases are set to a varied pattern of rhythms and music designed to help you learn and to keep you engaged so that you won't just switch off after five minutes. It will give you an easy road into starting to learn a completely new language. If yo

uTalk Indonesian


uTalk Indonesian
uTalk Indonesian

It's naturally easier to learn something when it's set to rhythmic music, so that is exactly what we've done. Simple words and phrases are set to a varied pattern of rhythms and music designed to help you learn and to keep you engaged so that you won't just switch off after five minutes. It will give you an easy road into starting to learn a completely new language. If yo

Saya belajar Haiti Creole


Saya belajar Haiti Creole
Saya belajar Haiti Creole

The complete method. 300 essential words and phrases, 140 common expressions, the 100 most common verbs, the 1000 essential words. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of t

Saya belajar Ukraina


Saya belajar Ukraina
Saya belajar Ukraina

The complete method. 300 essential words and phrases, 140 common expressions, the 100 most common verbs, the 1000 essential words. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of t