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Federally Funded Dad Jokes
“DID YOU HEAR the one about the world’s greatest watch thief? He stole all the time.” But even that guy might be impressed by the sticky fingers of the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (NRFC), a tiny corner of the Department of Health an
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The TikTok Slippery Slope
TIKTOK IS IN trouble: In April, President Joe Biden signed bipartisan legislation that forces ByteDance, the popular social media app’s Chinese parent company, to sell its majority stake to a U.S.-based firm. If it fails to do this, the app will be b
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What Can You Do While Waiting for a FOIA Response?
THE GOVERNMENT IS slow, especially at answering questions about itself. In theory, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lets Americans ask any federal agency for any public record and get a response back within 20 days. All 50 states have similar re
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IN APRIL, TEXAS state police tangled with University of Texas at Austin student protesters, pushing them off the campus and sending some into the streets. The protest began when students walked out of class with demands that the university divest fro
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Q&A Bryan Caplan
BRYAN CAPLAN IS known for his unconventional approach to tackling big issues. With his latest book, Build, Baby, Build: The Science and Ethics of Housing Regulation, he employs a graphic novel format to make the case for a more open approach to housi
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The Education Department Fumbled FAFSA
THE U.S. DEPARTMENT of Education has jeopardized access to financial aid for millions of college students and their families—all because it failed to create a functional online form. In what is possibly the largest web-based government fumble since t
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American Small Businesses Are Desperate For Foreign Workers
BRETT BROWNLEE’S ENTREPRENEURIAL streak started simply: as a kid, for kid reasons, with his brother. “Growing up, he and I just used to push mowers around our parents’ subdivision to try to save up money to buy basketball shoes,” he says. The venture
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NATALIE DOWZICKY In the first episode of Netflix’s latest hit documentary series, Unlocked: A Jail Experiment, an inmate with newfound autonomy says, “There’s no way we can let criminals govern themselves.” But for six weeks, 46 inmates at Arkansas’
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Families Need A Vibe Shift
IS THE AMERICAN family doomed? Fewer than half of U.S. adults are married. The nation’s fertility rate has fallen below replacement level. The percentage of children living with married parents has fallen drastically. There’s no denying the trend lin
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Gimme Shelter
WHEN GOV. RON DeSantis needed a place to host a signing ceremony for a bill banning homeless people from sleeping in public, the Florida Republican chose Miami Beach. It wasn’t picked just for its iconic beach and breakers. Last September, Miami Beac
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States Turn Their Backs on Criminal Justice Reform
IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE to avoid the “strange bedfellows” cliché when reading about the criminal justice reform movement in the 2010s. Conservatives and evangelicals worked alongside bleeding-heart liberals and civil libertarians to fix what they all (at t
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Republican Defenders of Abortion in Arizona
THOUGH STILL ON the books, Arizona’s near-total ban on abortion was buried deep in the state’s history—until recently. An April decision from the state’s Supreme Court breathed new life into this long-dormant law. The ban in question—first passed by
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Editor in Chief Katherine Mangu-Ward (, Publisher Mike Alissi (, Editors at Large Nick Gillespie (, Matt Welch (, Managing Editor Jason Russell (, A
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The Mirage Of China’s I.p. Theft
REPUBLICAN CHINA HAWKS have a problem. They’re eager to sell us on the notion that China is, as old GOP hand Newt Gingrich puts it, “the greatest threat to a free America that we have faced in our lifetime.” Gingrich pins China’s ascendancy on its “t
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Cutting Off Israel
ON MARCH 14, 2024, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D–N.Y.), a man who 13 months prior had vowed at Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center that “as long as Hashem breathes air into my lungs, the United States Senate will stand
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In India, Ishwar Deen spent more than two months and 250,000 rupees ($2,995) modifying his car to look like a helicopter, welding a propeller to the top and a boom to the back. The first day he took the car on the road, police seized it for illegal m
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SWAT Goes to College
A GRAY-HAIRED DARTMOUTH professor was tackled, zip-tied, and detained on May 1 along with about 90 other protesters. “I’ve been teaching here for 34 years,” Annelise Orleck told The New York Times after video of the arrest went viral. “There have bee
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A Brief, Biased History of the Culture Wars
THE FIRST PARAGRAPH of the book jacket lays it out: “There is a common belief that we live in unprecedented times, that people are too sensitive today, that nobody objected to the actions of actors, comedians, and filmmakers in the past. Modern pundi
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What Caused The D.c. Crime Wave?
“IT WAS A very safe city.” So said Mike Waters, owner of a pub in D.C.’s long-gentrified Dupont Circle area, in a neighborhood Zoom meeting this past January, neatly encapsulating a seemingly sudden deterioration in public safety. Violent crimes rose
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New York’s Predictable Legal Pot ‘Disaster’
AS OF EARLY May, more than three years after New York legalized recreational marijuana, just 119 licensed dispensaries were serving that market in the entire state. Unauthorized pot shops outnumbered legal outlets by 20 to 1, according to The New Yor
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Florida’s Citrus Slaughter
MANY SOUTH FLORIDA residents remember with grief a day in the early ’00s when the government came for their citrus trees. “They didn’t ask politely, ‘Can we please come in and take your trees?’ No, they said, we’re taking the trees,” one Orange Count
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The Black Panther Who Was Banned From the Ballot
DONALD TRUMP WAS not the first celebrity presidential candidate who could reasonably be accused of insurrection against the United States. Many decades before Trump, another best-selling author and charismatic leader in a rowdy movement to upend domi
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The Dark Side of Alexander Hamilton
OVER THE LAST two decades, Alexander Hamilton has become a folk hero. In 2004, Ron Chernow’s massive Hamilton biography was a bestseller. A decade later, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s spectacularly successful Hamilton: An American Musical further heightened t
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‘The Past Is There To Teach Us What Can Happen’
IN MARCH, REASON’S Nick Gillespie talked with one of the great pioneers of podcasting: Dan Carlin, the host of Hardcore History. Carlin’s deeply researched and urgently delivered takes on everything from Julius Caesar’s wars in Gaul to Imperial Japan
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July 2019 “Calling someone a cop invokes the worst sorts of police overreach, a legalistic authoritarianism that exists for its own sake. During her 28-year tenure as a county prosecutor, district attorney (D.A.), and state attorney general (A.G.), [
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Wicked Problems Remain
THE TERM WICKED PROBLEM has become a standard way for policy analysts to describe a social issue whose solution is inherently elusive. Wicked problems have many causal factors, complex interdependencies, and no ability to test all of the possible com
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AI Is Like Our Descendants
AS HUMANITY HAS advanced, we have slowly become able to purposely design more parts of our world and ourselves. We have thus become more “artificial” over time. Recently we have started to design computer minds, and we may eventually make “artificial
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The List
A trip to the hospital is rarely fun. The AI-powered app Vital aims to make the experience a little less painful. Used by more than 100 hospitals, the program predicts wait times and explains medical results to patients without technical jargon that
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AI Is Like a Bad Metaphor
THE TURING TEST—OBSESSED geniuses who are now creating AI seem to take three clichéd outcomes for granted: 1. That these new cyberentities will continue to be controlled, as now, by two dozen corporate or national behemoths (Google, OpenAI, Microsoft
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Blaming Tech for Teen Troubles
JONATHAN HAIDT OPENS The Anxious Generation with what is supposed to be an analogy for kids’ use of smartphones and social media: Would you let your child travel to Mars, he asks, if some Silicon Valley CEO said it was safe? It’s an absurd comparison
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