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Living With Purpose
We are living in a world that is increasingly ignoring the wisdom of God; the mantra, “Do what is right in your own eyes” has filtered through all of society. This is even the case in institutions such as governments, schools and some churches that o
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Hope - A Testimony of Hope
Executive Director/Managing Director Desireé Johnson Email: desiree.johnson@mikatekomedia.co.za Executive Director/Content Director Ingrid Jones Email: ingrid.jones@mikatekomedia.co.za Publisher Desireé Johnson Print & Distribution Manager Liam Marin
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Koinonia: The Act Of Sharing
Koinonia is defined as “Christian fellowship or communion, with God or, more commonly, with fellow Christians.” Another definition is the “intimate spiritual communion and participative sharing in a common religious commitment and spiritual community
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Romans 10:9
Dear God, I know that I’m a sinner and I need a Saviour. I want to turn away from my sinful life to the life you have planned for me. Please forgive me of my sins. Cleanse me of my past, make me new. I know your Son, Jesus Christ died for me. I belie
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Why, God, Why?
A few years ago, I visited a parishioner of mine, Keith. A botched brain operation had left him wheelchair bound. Ononeofmyvisitstohim, helookedatme eyeball-to-eyeball and said: “Pastor, why is God allowing this to happen to me?”. I preach every Sund
Hope - A Testimony of Hope1 mnt membacaRegional & Ethnic
Let’s Feast
• Beetroot• 1 cup vinegar• 3 tablespoons sugar• Pinch of salt• Garlic cloves, chopped (to taste)• Red onion, chopped (to taste)• Parsley (or other greens), chopped Cook whole beetroot in water. When soft, drain (keep the water) and cut in cubes or sl
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Are You Worth More Than You’re Paid?
The complaint is mostly that the worker does not feel sufficiently remunerated for what they think they are worth. I read a very interesting take on this: 1. Calculate the cost of your time to your employer or business and include all benefits and pe
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The Morning Star
For 16 months, from March 2020 to July 2021, I kept myself Covid-19 free, and responsibly so. I live with a lung condition called bronchiectasis. When I was 12 years old I lost half of my left lung in surgery due to this condition, as the lung had be
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Tell The World HE LIVES
The aim of Testimony of Hope magazine is to testify to you that God is real and alive. He is good, gracious, loving, and giving. Many people who have had really trying experiences can testify that, with God, you can overcome anything. With God you ca
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Embracing Change
I received many gifts as a child, but there were three which were most memorable. A walky-talky doll that was as tall as I was at the time, which my grandfather brought me from Los Palmas when he returned from one of his many fishing expeditions, a z
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Following God’s will
Tax collectors and all kinds of sinners pressed around Jesus to hear his words. The scribes and Pharisees were disgusted to see this, and they said, “This man keeps company with sinners. He even eats with them! What sort of a person is he?” When Jesu
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A New Dawn
2020/21 has been a tough year for most people. The uncertainty, anxiety, stress and change of pace has shaped the way we do and will do things. This shift resonates throughout this issue of Testimony of Hope. Romans 3:17 says: “Give everyone what you
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Death, Where Is your Sting?
In December 2020, my husband Noel and I were living our best lives. Despite the disruption brought by Covid-19, we had the perfectly imperfect family. Noel and I served God together and raised our three boys, who were then 17, six and two years old,
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Confidence In A Crisis
2 Chronicles 20: 1-23 The Covid-19 pandemic is reaching unprecedented levels of death and destruction. Without mention of the other issues that lie before us, it is fair to say that we have a crisis on our hands, but it doesn’t have to be a hopeless
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Activate Hope
Looking back on this year, the reality of loss became very evident in my life, especially in recent weeks. I lost one of my biggest contracts due to the pandemic and my teenage daughter lost two classmates to suicide. Can we just press the pause butt
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Rising From The Streets
Driving through the streets of the Pietermaritzburg city centre, it is almost a reflex reaction to lock the car doors, make sure your possessions are not visible, and look straight ahead so that you don’t have to make eye contact with homeless youth
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Jarrad’s Song Of Praise
Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future.” This was and still is the Bible verse that has always ushered in a wave of change over my life. The
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Reflections Of The Christ
Wow, what a year! When 2020 started, who would have thought that we would be subjected to a myriad of challenges and that Covid-19 would be the buzzword on everyone’s lips? People have been severely tested to the point of psychological meltdown while
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Jonathan’s Journey Of Faith
God knew about Covid-19. He knew about the lockdown. He knew about the death toll. He even knows about the cure or vaccine for Covid-19. In this we can once again have hope in Him, knowing that He has everything under control. When I look at my own l
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Let’s Start Planting
Reeling from the brunt of Covid-19 and its devastation on our business Mikateko Media that was deemed successful only 12 months ago, I find myself feeling my way through the debris. The question foremost in my mind as I prepare my next board report i
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Help, I’m Stuck In A Rut!
I recently came across the term quarter-life crisis, which has been defined as “the anxiety over the direction and quality of one’s life”. This term aptly describes the pressure and turmoil that young adults feel. As soon as we reach grade 9 or turn
Hope - A Testimony of Hope2 mnt membaca
Finding Peace In god
2020 has been a tough year. God created us to be in communion with others, but this year has denied us this privilege. No matter the advances in technology, video calls can’t replace a hug, leaving many people with a sense of disconnect. We were all
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Let’s Feast
MATTHEW 14:13 - 21 • 700g frozen hake fillets defrosted• ¼ cup self-raising flour• Spice for fish• Pepper and salt to taste• Paper towels• Oil to fry Step 1: Place oil in a heavy-based pan on medium-high heat. Step 2: Dry the defrosted hake fillets w
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Hope - A Testimony of Hope
Executive Director/Managing Director Desireé Johnson Email: Desiree.Johnson@mikatekomedia.co.za Executive Director/Content Director Ingrid Jones Email: Ingrid.Jones@mikatekomedia.co.za General Manager: Johannesburg Candice Landie Email: Candice.Landi
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Let’s Play
Genesis 37:3 “Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made an ornate robe for him.” 1. What is the last book of the Old Testament? 2. What instrument did David play? 3. How many
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Finding Reason In Reality
While I believe we were all created with the ability to exercise feelings and thoughts that inspire hope, we must be careful not to risk losing hope as some distant fading dream. As a child, I might have hoped with all my heart that I could fly on a
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Listen To The Voice Of God In Times Of Need
I greet everyone in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I write this foreword feeling humbled and grateful to God, having survived the coronavirus pandemic thus far only by His grace. The scourge of Covid-19 has left us devastate
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